Comerços i serveis que accepten un 50% del pagament amb moneda lliure

Dr. Stephinity Salazar

1111 NotMyReal Avenue
Centennial, CO 80121
Estados Unidos

BioEnergetic Medicine, Natural Medicines, Energy Psychotherapy
Remote Services: Scans (diagnostics/healing) w NLS Device Detox & Nutrition Emotional Clearings & Energy Psychotherapy Homeopathy Map Dowsing In-Person: Auricular Therapy Sensitivities Testing

Nirmal Priti

Sessió individuals de Constel·lacions Familiars i Canvi de Creences
Sessions on line de: Constel.lacions familiars per afavorir que l'amor flueixi en les teves relacions i pugis deixar anar patrons familiars i lleialtats sistèmiques. Theta Healing per canviar les teves creences limitants per creences empoderadores, i harmonitzar les teves emocions.

Horse Help

Casa da Cabaza
27345 O Incio Lugo

I can help create a better relationship between you and your horse.
I offer a holistic way of helping humans and horses and creating a better partnership between them. I also offer guidance with unwanted behaviour, rehabilitation and correct posture training.