In the intricate intricacies of the oracle known as "Luckgoose", we find the enigmatic message of the Geese, whose origin sinks into the mists of time.
Natural therapies: Immunoenergetic, Biomagnetism, Quantum Bioingineering and Shamanic travel in person and at a distance. Ayurveda massage. Health Coach.
Elimina bloqueos en cualquier área de tu vida (economía, familia, amor, salud, etc...) facilitando la resolución de problemas, dificultades o estancamiento.
I can create a complete Permaculture Design Plan for you and your land
I'm certified through Quail Springs Permaculture and can help you achieve your permaculture dreams, and through Grow Biointensive to create small gardens with high yields
I can guide you to Crochet and make some products, for example , water bottle carriers and the best material to use. I can also make smaller things out of wool.
Basic cleaning fee G1 20 plus €20.
Daily rent: G1 15 plus €15
Long time rent up from 3 weeks with individually calculated discount.
Payment in G1 immediately required after booking confirmation.
Cambio de creencias y bloqueos limitantes y estresantes/ SpanishEnglish
Cambio de creencias y percepciones al nivel de la mente subconsciente, proceso PSYCH-K®.
PSYCH-K® a belief and perception changing process at the subconscious level of the mind.
Stress, Mental Health.
Portrait photography, events, outdoor weddings, and studio portraits
For a successful portrait, one must capture the essence in light. In-studio, at home, or outdoors... Every face tells a story. Every snapshot evokes an emotion.
Lets talk about how to create a functional Intentional Community
I've lived in about 6 different intentional communities over the past 12 years. I'd love to share some of my experiences for success for those who would like to travel down this path!
I help balance your general health (emotional, mental and physical) through a mix of kinesiology and naturopathy, focusing on you digestive system / belief system / food intolerances.
I can help create a better relationship between you and your horse.
I offer a holistic way of helping humans and horses and creating a better partnership between them. I also offer guidance with unwanted behaviour, rehabilitation and correct posture training.
Fasting, silence and not doing retreat, with Markus Witte in Texas
Markus Witte calls us on an eight-day fasting and silence adventure. Invitation to curiosity like when we were children, to silence, to do nothing and to enjoy life with what there is.