Hemp Extract Tincture

640 Tico Road
Ojai, CA 93023
Vereinigte Staaten

We have an overstock of Full Spectrum Hemp Tincture.
Mint flavored. Organic. Labeled bottles are sold at 50 June and unlabeled bottles are 40 June + $7 dollars shipping and handling. Limited supply. For US markets only. Contains CBD but no THC. Before purchasing, please be sure you live in a State where this can be shipped otherwise I can't!

Aceites Esenciales, Aguas florales y herbales (Hidrolatos), Aromaterapia

Von Naturalmente G… |
Soy GabrielaMG, psicoaromaterapéuta y Artesana.Elaboro Ac. Esenciales puros(sin diluir),íntegros(del destilador al frasco),de zona definida,ecológicos y de comercio justo(p/productor y consumidor).Envios a toda Europa.
CURSOS de Aromaterapia, Cosmética Artesanal y Ecohogar.

Dr. Stephinity Salazar

1111 NotMyReal Avenue
Centennial, CO 80121
Vereinigte Staaten

BioEnergetic Medicine, Natural Medicines, Energy Psychotherapy
Remote Services: Scans (diagnostics/healing) w NLS Device Detox & Nutrition Emotional Clearings & Energy Psychotherapy Homeopathy Map Dowsing In-Person: Auricular Therapy Sensitivities Testing