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Caleta de Fuste
Learn German in private classes
1 (one) G1 an hour plus a beer as basic fee per date =) Classes in my home in Caleta de Fuste. (Physical service - no service online!)
servei a domicili | delivery
Sound editing: music, talks, audiobooks, voice-overs...
I do sound editing: editing, mixing and mastering music; editing talks, audio books and so on.
servei a domicili | delivery
Distance therapy with Pure Energy of the Source
I've been trained and activated to use and send Pure Energy from the Pure and Divine Source. This helps in times of illness, weakening, etc.
servei a domicili | delivery
Teràpies Naturals: Quiromassatge, reflexologia podal, reiki, flors Bach
Terapia: Ofereixo Quiromassatge descontrqacturant o relaxant, Reflexologia podal per treballar malalties, dolències, Reiki usui i terapia floral amb flors de Bach. Moxibustió. Més de 10 anys d'experiència en el món terapèutic.
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sant llorenc
food trick
food trick delivery food - customized salads - lasagnas - ravioli - fresh pasta
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Shamanic Travel, Immunoenergetic, Colloidal Silver, Quantum Bioingenieer
Natural therapies: Immunoenergetic, Biomagnetism, Quantum Bioingineering and Shamanic travel in person and at a distance. Ayurveda massage. Health Coach.
servei a domicili | delivery
We have Rapeh from Peru, we can send you in little tins
We bring back Good quality Rapeh from Peru.
servei a domicili | delivery
Live Violin 🎻 Weddings. Sound healing. Music teacher. Guitar teacher.
Live violin for an event. Sound healing. Teaching violin 🎻 and guitar 🎸 (private lessons) Based in Madeira.
servei a domicili | delivery
Sacred Natural Dried White Sage
I can post Naturally Dried Sacred White Sage to you, which is very easy to harvest here because it grows wild in lots of places.
servei a domicili | delivery
Portrait photography, events, outdoor weddings, and studio portraits
For a successful portrait, one must capture the essence in light. In-studio, at home, or outdoors... Every face tells a story. Every snapshot evokes an emotion.
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Reveal the world of tea through tea ceremonies or tea sessions.
I’m capable to hold space for a ceremony with tea or to share with you a casual time during a tea session.
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Personal coaching and enenergetic healing, group ceremonies, shamanism
Do you encounter similar patterns in your life? Suffering from chronic illness or issues? I'm here to help. I am a coach and energy therapist with experience in childhood and past life trauma healing.
servei a domicili | delivery
Cambio de creencias y bloqueos limitantes y estresantes/ SpanishEnglish
Cambio de creencias y percepciones al nivel de la mente subconsciente, proceso PSYCH-K®. PSYCH-K® a belief and perception changing process at the subconscious level of the mind. Stress, Mental Health.
servei a domicili | delivery
Legal Assistance and Knowledge for Unschooled Students
Provide legal assistance, knowledge and information to Unschooled and Home School Students.
servei a domicili | delivery
Naturopathy, Kinesiology, Nutrition
I help balance your general health (emotional, mental and physical) through a mix of kinesiology and naturopathy, focusing on you digestive system / belief system / food intolerances.
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Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
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i offer english and greek translation
i can translate from spanish to griego / ingles .
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relieving massage or relaxing
relieving massage in case of pain.
servei a domicili | delivery
Mollet del Vallès
Design of posters, business cards, logos, etc. Audiovisual montages.
Design of posters, business cards, logos, etc. Audiovisual designs.
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