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PC and Smartphone IT Consulting
I want to help everyone (adapted to their needs and age) who is willing to adopt a philosophy of digital hygiene so that together we can reconquer our right to privacy and digital freedom.
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Videografía presencial y Post-produccion/Edición Audiovisual en remoto
On-site videography service and remote Audiovisual Post-production/Editing. Complete creation of audiovisual projects mostly related to sustainability and ecology
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Graphic design and photography software classes
I offer graphic design and photo editing classes in both libre and proprietary software.
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Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
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Shamanic Travel, Immunoenergetic, Colloidal Silver, Quantum Bioingenieer
Natural therapies: Immunoenergetic, Biomagnetism, Quantum Bioingineering and Shamanic travel in person and at a distance. Ayurveda massage. Health Coach.
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Arenys de Mar
Jyotish o Astrologia Védica
El Jyotish en sánscrito se traduce como “Ciencia de la Luz”.
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Fasting, silence and not doing retreat, with Markus Witte in Texas
Markus Witte calls us on an eight-day fasting and silence adventure. Invitation to curiosity like when we were children, to silence, to do nothing and to enjoy life with what there is.
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BioEnergetic Medicine, Natural Medicines, Energy Psychotherapy
Remote Services: Scans (diagnostics/healing) w NLS Device Detox & Nutrition Emotional Clearings & Energy Psychotherapy Homeopathy Map Dowsing In-Person: Auricular Therapy Sensitivities Testing
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I support a Shipibo Family called Rao Kano Xobo in Pucalpa in Peru
I support a traditional Shipibo family who live in the jungle of Peru and are in the process of creating a much bigger healing centre by bringing back Their amazing handcrafted jewelry products.
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Molins de Rei
Sustainable Fashion
Slowfashion for a sustainable lifestyle for women, men and newborns. The best quality in Italian designs that go beyond fashion. 100% Organic and Ethical.
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Consulting, training and building with Straw and Clay
20 years of experience doing and teaching straw bale building and clay plasters. I am available for online consulting as well.
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sant llorenc
food trick
food trick delivery food - customized salads - lasagnas - ravioli - fresh pasta
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Caleta de Fuste
Learn German in private classes
1 (one) G1 an hour plus a beer as basic fee per date =) Classes in my home in Caleta de Fuste. (Physical service - no service online!)
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