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Learning to Crochet
I can guide you to Crochet and make some products, for example , water bottle carriers and the best material to use. I can also make smaller things out of wool.
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Web development, drupal, moodle, civicrm, farmos
Web development (Drupal), online learning (Moodle), CRM (CiviCRM), e-commerce (Drupal, Commerce), SEO (search engine optimisation)
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Translation orders: English, Basque, Spanish, Esperanto, Catalan
I translate between English, Basque, Spanish and Esperanto, in any direction. I also translate from Catalan to those languages.
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Adolfo López Mateos
Spanish Proofreading.
Con formación profesional en humanidades y lo literario, hago corrección de estilo, edición de textos, traducción. También pinto con diversas técnicas en formato digital y se podrá adquirir copias.
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Mountain, Tourism and Leisure Guiding services.
Certified Mountain and Tourist Guide
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Caleta de Fuste
Singlebed room in nice little holiday home
Basic cleaning fee G1 20 plus €20. Daily rent: G1 15 plus €15 Long time rent up from 3 weeks with individually calculated discount. Payment in G1 immediately required after booking confirmation.
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Legal Assistance and Knowledge for Unschooled Students
Provide legal assistance, knowledge and information to Unschooled and Home School Students.
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Web Design and WebSites building
We build web sites, simple, blogs and more complex sites like online stores/catalogs.
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Terapeuta holística - Sanación, chamanismo, músico, voz consciente
Hola, tengo una experiencia de más de 20 años en el sector de las terapias alternativas, además soy profesora de yoga y pilates, así como de alimentación orgánica y nutricional.
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i offer english and greek translation
i can translate from spanish to griego / ingles .
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Sound editing: music, talks, audiobooks, voice-overs...
I do sound editing: editing, mixing and mastering music; editing talks, audio books and so on.
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O Incio
I can help create a better relationship between you and your horse.
I offer a holistic way of helping humans and horses and creating a better partnership between them. I also offer guidance with unwanted behaviour, rehabilitation and correct posture training.
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I support a Shipibo Family called Rao Kano Xobo in Pucalpa in Peru
I support a traditional Shipibo family who live in the jungle of Peru and are in the process of creating a much bigger healing centre by bringing back Their amazing handcrafted jewelry products.
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Live Violin 🎻 Weddings. Sound healing. Music teacher. Guitar teacher.
Live violin for an event. Sound healing. Teaching violin 🎻 and guitar 🎸 (private lessons) Based in Madeira.
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Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
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Sacred Natural Dried White Sage
I can post Naturally Dried Sacred White Sage to you, which is very easy to harvest here because it grows wild in lots of places.
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Personal coaching and enenergetic healing, group ceremonies, shamanism
Do you encounter similar patterns in your life? Suffering from chronic illness or issues? I'm here to help. I am a coach and energy therapist with experience in childhood and past life trauma healing.
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Arenys de Mar
Jyotish o Astrologia Védica
El Jyotish en sánscrito se traduce como “Ciencia de la Luz”.
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Fasting, silence and not doing retreat, with Markus Witte in Texas
Markus Witte calls us on an eight-day fasting and silence adventure. Invitation to curiosity like when we were children, to silence, to do nothing and to enjoy life with what there is.
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We have Rapeh from Peru, we can send you in little tins
We bring back Good quality Rapeh from Peru.
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