Door joan |

In just over a year, already has more than 800 service announcements, in more than ten countries, highlighting the boost in LatAm, Spanish-speaking America, and in several languages, recently with a lot of

But didn't fit everything: we always said it was a platform for professional services and that for non-professional services or second-hand products, the right tool was

But that has changed! Recently, Catalina de Mallorca proposed to us to incorporate these products and ALSO REQUESTS FOR SERVICES, what we called the "needs", into Because? Because many times we don't think to offer ourselves to do things that seem trivial to us, or we don't think they can be of service to anyone and, instead, when we see someone asking for, for example, help to make firewood at home his, or to paint walls, to give him a hand with the computer that doesn't work well for him, or to fix a puncture on his bike or sew a strip in his clothes, it turns out that we realize that in addition to the jobs that we considered "important"/relevant, there are many more that can be useful to the neighbors, to the community, and that we only thought of doing when we saw someone asking for it. And to that we add second-hand products, that children's bike that is no longer used, that old analog camera, or the backpack that we no longer use, etc.

But all this is already included in! So why incorporate it into

Because what we consider a functionality that, if it works, could be superb, is not only the fact of accommodating these products, non-professional services, both in terms of offers and demands, but, above all, in which to turn it .net will match them, make a "match".

Can you imagine that when someone posts a need, already suggests ads that might fit them?

This already happens, in this ad asking for help to paint his house:

the first suggestion is from a bicycle mechanic who also has painting as one of his key words:

And, conversely, in the previous ad, below, in yellow, we can find the related needs. In this way it will be easier to find supply and demand, both for professional services and for the thousand things we can do or sell that can be useful to someone else. And this ultimately goes along the lines of giving USEFULness to the coin, which is what makes sense: take it out of your pockets and spin it :-)

Professional services will not be diluted in this way

Professional services are very important to us. A little along the lines of taking care of who is the base of the economic chain, those who are essential to it: the producers, those who provide us with the services we need on a daily basis, and they do so constantly and in a way significant

That's why for the moment we have introduced these new types of ads, offers and needs, with a discreet visibility, which we will evaluate to increase or reduce it, as we see what the volume of these ads is. You think that in order to be useful, to find supply and demand, to provide alternatives or multiply the existing ones, what is needed is that these have visibility, and that therefore you are excited to publish them on, just as you have done with professional services, and encourage your friends to do so!

Tips for posting your offers and needs

It's very easy, you can do it here:

  • What I recommend is that you place different ads for different needs or offers, because each one can then "marry" the corresponding ads, using their own keywords. And I also recommend that you don't save the keywords, which are the basis because ads can match each other.
  • Remember that we have just launched this functionality, there are certainly many things to improve, both in terms of usability and format. If you have suggestions, find bugs, etc. you can use the contact form or the links to participate that you will find at the foot of the website.


This functionality, with which we are very excited, was born from the insistence of Catalina, who in Mallorca, with Tuttle, had already been giving the idea a whirl. And also of the concept extensively worked on by Fania and Carmela, to give two of the names that for me are the most relevant in this field. All the same, our recognition ;-)

Finally, I wanted to ask you to spread the word in your circles so we can make the tool even more useful.


Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd)

1 jaar 8 maanden geleden

De todo corazón gracias x el reconocimiento y sobretodo gracias por hacer visible esta labor colaborativa, mejorando con vuestros conocimientos informáticos las iniciativas al respecto. Enhorabuena por esta herramienta que cada día nos acerca más y mejor!!

Edu (niet gecontroleerd)

1 jaar 6 maanden geleden

Estaría bien un filtro por zonas en el buscador de la web Por ejemplo, si busco un pintor, seguramente no me interesa que salgan en los resultados de búsqueda todos los pintores del mundo. Solo los de mi zona (ciudad, comarca, provincia,...)

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