100% G1
I apply energy to reading your charts: vedic & tropical astrology, numerology, human design, iching...

Please TEXT ME first with your birth information. Tell me what you would like to focus on, or if you would rather hear what I find. I will prepare and then contact you, and we will talk for an hour+ as needed.

As a highly sensitive heyoka empath, I am absorbing your energy literally like a sponge when we are connecting, which often helps you feel better… and helps me see and feel you deeply; don't worry, you are in good hands with me– I am your sister, mother, grandmother...

Arvada, CO 80002

> Contacter l'annonceur

Besoins connexes

  1. A native English speaker to read/record a short book, "Love & Revolution". You could record it on your phone. I am looking for someone who feels resonant with the book's content. Download it for free at www.markthemysticactivist.com. Best contact me by email: markjosephs@protonmail.com
    United Kingdom USA Spain Australia New Zeland
  2. Busco alguien que pueda enseñarme cómo y dónde invertir con seguridad para sacar rendimiento a mis ahorros.
    En toda España y todo el mundo
  3. Clases de ruso para estudiante de primer curso de lingüística.
  4. Necesito capacitación para abrir mis Registros Akashicos.
    "Buenos Aires Argentina
  5. Buenos Aires, zona sur Buenos Aires capital Paises habla hispana online
  6. M'agradaria que qualcú em pogués fer un curs de libreoffice, podria ser online.
    Mallorca Online

Services connexes

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Libertação emocional e psicológica, Consciência , Cosmologia, Meditação
Expansão de consciência através de estudo sobre a ascensão, pineal, física quântica, estrutura da consciência, telepatia, ancoramento, amor incondicional, neurónios, ADN, carma, memória celular, cosmologia nivel1, as 3 condutas e uma introdução para o curso Cura Quântica Violeta.
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Te ayudo con el inglés hablado o escrito. Hasta nivel B1/B2
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