I'm offering Spanish Online lessons. Speaking and listening.
Online Spanish lessons
Intuitive Spanish lessons - Conversational

Fed up of the ordinary grammar lessons that have not helped you much? Keep reading, because this interests you :)

I'm Spanish, and after living in England for 4 years and not having attended a single English lesson, I came back with a very fluent level of English. I simply surrounded myself by British people even when I could not have a proper conversation with them. Getting uncomfortable and being a bit self-conscious are key to get a fluent level in any language. I'm a proof of that, you'll see!

If you want to take your English to the next level, work on your accent and train your ears, these lessons are for you!

Sign up for your first class here👇🏼


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Zona Can Sitra, bústia nº 16
17401 Arbúcies Girona

> Contacta amb l'anunciant

Related needs

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  2. Necesito capacitación para abrir mis Registros Akashicos.
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  3. A native English speaker to read/record a short book, "Love & Revolution". You could record it on your phone. I am looking for someone who feels resonant with the book's content. Download it for free at www.markthemysticactivist.com. Best contact me by email: markjosephs@protonmail.com
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  4. Clases de ruso para estudiante de primer curso de lingüística.
  5. Busco alguien que pueda enseñarme cómo y dónde invertir con seguridad para sacar rendimiento a mis ahorros.
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Do you have any needs / demands? Add it!

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