Dr. Stephinity Salazar

1111 NotMyReal Avenue
Centennial, CO 80121
Estados Unidos

BioEnergetic Medicine, Natural Medicines, Energy Psychotherapy
Remote Services: Scans (diagnostics/healing) w NLS Device Detox & Nutrition Emotional Clearings & Energy Psychotherapy Homeopathy Map Dowsing In-Person: Auricular Therapy Sensitivities Testing

Sandrine Rochut

301 Route des Etangs

Thérapeute énergéticienne - Sonothérapeute - Voyage sonore
Je propose des expériences uniques de bien-être grâce à la sonothérapie, le magnétisme et la pleine conscience. Mon approche vise à apaiser le corps et l’esprit, en favorisant l’équilibre intérieur.

Jacko Scholten

Personal coaching and enenergetic healing, group ceremonies, shamanism
Do you encounter similar patterns in your life? Suffering from chronic illness or issues? I'm here to help. I am a coach and energy therapist with experience in childhood and past life trauma healing.