Dr. Stephinity Salazar

1111 NotMyReal Avenue
Centennial, CO 80121
Ameriketako Estatu Batuak

BioEnergetic Medicine, Natural Medicines, Energy Psychotherapy
Remote Services: Scans (diagnostics/healing) w NLS Device Detox & Nutrition Emotional Clearings & Energy Psychotherapy Homeopathy Map Dowsing In-Person: Auricular Therapy Sensitivities Testing

Ulrich Christen

Am Tempelhofer Berg 7d
10965 Berlin

Tuina-Massage (chinesische Medizin)
I work in my clinic in Berlin-Kreuzberg as a professional therapist. My method is based on Chinese Medicine. I offer Tuina-Massage and acupuncture, my special field is eye-therapy. You are welcome, please contact me, I'm looking forward to meet you!