App that allows your customers to book appointments with you via the web

Do you want your customers to ask you a web date? Do you have a center and want customers or users to reserve time with your professionals or can they reserve spaces?

Easy!Appointments is a highly customizable web application that allows your customers to book appointments with you via the web. Moreover, it provides the ability to sync your data with Google Calendar so you can use them with other services. It is an open source project and you can download and install it even for commercial use. Easy!Appointments will run smoothly with your existing website, because it can be installed in a single folder of the server and of course, both sites can share the same database.

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Related needs

  1. A native English speaker to read/record a short book, "Love & Revolution". You could record it on your phone. I am looking for someone who feels resonant with the book's content. Download it for free at www.markthemysticactivist.com. Best contact me by email: markjosephs@protonmail.com
    United Kingdom USA Spain Australia New Zeland
  2. Voldria productes d'alimentació, menjar, del dia a dia, a prop de Cardedeu o a Barcelona (preferentment a prop de metro Maragall)
    Cardedeu Granollers Llinars del Vallès Vallès Oriental Barcelona
  3. Barcelona Terrassa Catalunya Espanya
  4. Busco una furgoneta mixta (carga + 5 pasajeros). Pagaré en Junas.
    España Francia Portugal Europa
  5. USB Bluetooth 5.0
    Barcelona Terrassa Catalunya
  6. Estoy cerca de Sant Celoni, Cataluña. Necesito ayuda con el pozo/bomba. No tienes que ser un fontanero/electricista profesional, sino ¡alguien más práctico que yo! Si me podrías ayudar, por favor ponte en contacto por privado. ¡Gracias!
    626 37 02 50
    Catalonia Cataluña Catalunya
Do you have any needs / demands? Add it!

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