Josie's Muse Services
Josie's Muse Services
I offer Various Guiding and Organizational Services

I offer various Guiding Services around Life Coaching, Problem Solving, World Travel and Border Information, How to travel within a budget, How to get into UK festivals for free and how to get to a Rainbow Gathering. I have Traveled extensively and have a Precise memory that is able to store and recall precise information from my past.

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640 Tico Road
Ojai, CA 93023
Estados Unidos

Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

Necesidades relacionadas

  1. A native English speaker to read/record a short book, "Love & Revolution". You could record it on your phone. I am looking for someone who feels resonant with the book's content. Download it for free at Best contact me by email:
    United Kingdom USA Spain Australia New Zeland
  2. Busco alguien que pueda enseñarme cómo y dónde invertir con seguridad para sacar rendimiento a mis ahorros.
    En toda España y todo el mundo
  3. Me gustaría poder practicar conversación de inglés, deseable nivel de C1. En persona o online
  4. Necesito capacitación para abrir mis Registros Akashicos.
    "Buenos Aires Argentina
  5. Paid in Junes/Junas. Talk about other inerests. I´m searching for someone that can help me in preaparing witten, spkene and listenning exams so upgrading my level to B2. Someone really accurated in grammar ad spelling. Dobble letters and deatisls like that. My level conversation is high but I need someone very polite and accurated about grammar spealling.
    online todo el mundo
  6. Looking for someone to transcribe and translate the video conference "Pourquoi la monnaie libre n'est justement pas un Ponzi".


    The transcription / translation is tracked by a git repository:
    Worldwide Online

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