Lucky Goose
Oracle Spread The Message of the Geese
The Luckgoose Oracle The Message of the Geese

Although today we perceive it as an innocent board game, its ancestral roots reveal an esoteric facet that awakens our curiosity. This ancient practice was not simply a pastime, but a portal to the future, a beacon that shed light on the mysteries that lurked in the future.

The meticulous study of this ancient "game" and its connection with the enigmatic disk of Phaistos has revealed to us its deep essence as an Oracle of wisdom, a mystical guide that has remained hidden from worldly eyes for centuries. The knowledge of it stands like a beacon in the darkness, illuminating the paths of the soul and revealing secrets that patiently awaited rediscovery.

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carretera de vinallop, 35
43570 tortosa Tarragona

Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

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