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Ğ1 Market & Meeting Management in Alicante
This account is intended to launch Ğ1 markets near Alicante (Spain) and also to incentive to new users who create a wallet
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Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
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We have Rapeh from Peru, we can send you in little tins
We bring back Good quality Rapeh from Peru.
servei a domicili | delivery
The Luckgoose Oracle The Message of the Geese
In the intricate intricacies of the oracle known as "Luckgoose", we find the enigmatic message of the Geese, whose origin sinks into the mists of time.
servei a domicili | delivery
Agricultural, forestry and livestock management software
FarmOS is an agricultural management system to improve your agricultural, livestock and forestry operations. It allows you to control the purchases of seeds, fertilizers or animal breeding and sales.
servei a domicili | delivery
Arenys de Mar
Jyotish o Astrologia Védica
El Jyotish en sánscrito se traduce como “Ciencia de la Luz”.
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Naturopathy, Kinesiology, Nutrition
I help balance your general health (emotional, mental and physical) through a mix of kinesiology and naturopathy, focusing on you digestive system / belief system / food intolerances.
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Sound editing: music, talks, audiobooks, voice-overs...
I do sound editing: editing, mixing and mastering music; editing talks, audio books and so on.
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Distance therapy with Pure Energy of the Source
I've been trained and activated to use and send Pure Energy from the Pure and Divine Source. This helps in times of illness, weakening, etc.
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Web development, drupal, moodle, civicrm, farmos
Web development (Drupal), online learning (Moodle), CRM (CiviCRM), e-commerce (Drupal, Commerce), SEO (search engine optimisation)
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sant llorenc
food trick
food trick delivery food - customized salads - lasagnas - ravioli - fresh pasta
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Basque language learning and translation
Basque language learning and translation
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Caleta de Fuste
Nordic Walking in Fuerteventura
Whether you have learned to use chop sticks or not - now learn to use walking sticks! =)
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Caleta de Fuste
Learn German in private classes
1 (one) G1 an hour plus a beer as basic fee per date =) Classes in my home in Caleta de Fuste. (Physical service - no service online!)
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Sanación Energética con Péndulo
TERAPIA DE SANACIÓN ENERGÉTICA CON PÉNDULO Elimina bloqueos en cualquier área de tu vida (economía, familia, amor, salud, etc...) facilitando la resolución de problemas, dificultades o estancamiento.
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Cambio de creencias y bloqueos limitantes y estresantes/ SpanishEnglish
Cambio de creencias y percepciones al nivel de la mente subconsciente, proceso PSYCH-K®. PSYCH-K® a belief and perception changing process at the subconscious level of the mind. Stress, Mental Health.
servei a domicili | delivery
Shamanic Travel, Immunoenergetic, Colloidal Silver, Quantum Bioingenieer
Natural therapies: Immunoenergetic, Biomagnetism, Quantum Bioingineering and Shamanic travel in person and at a distance. Ayurveda massage. Health Coach.
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Sacred Natural Dried White Sage
I can post Naturally Dried Sacred White Sage to you, which is very easy to harvest here because it grows wild in lots of places.
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I have had lots of experience around Animal Behavior and Communication
I have been around a lot of different species of animals all of my life and offer guidance around Behavior and communication with them
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Translation orders: English, Basque, Spanish, Esperanto, Catalan
I translate between English, Basque, Spanish and Esperanto, in any direction. I also translate from Catalan to those languages.
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